Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Insta-Lately + Goals for 2019

Happy January 1, 2019!!
Happy New Year, everyone! How in the world is it 2019 already?! 2018 was a blur, but I am so looking forward to this year! 
I am starting off with a pretty big insta recap! I plan on doing these once every month! I used to be pretty good about it, and then kind of slacked off last year. But I am excited for this year and I already have quite a bit of stuff planned for the blog, so stay tuned!
2018 was a weird year to say the least! A LOT happened in my personal life that left me feeling unmotivated when it came to my blog and other things. I began focusing on school mostly and spending some much needed time with my friends, and sort of put my blog on the back burner! I love this space and getting to share what I enjoy! 

Some of my goals in 2019 are:
1. Time Management: I found myself giving my time to things that didn't matter and weren't helping me grow in 2018. So one of my goals in 2019 is to focus on the things that matter most and really pay attention to where and who I am giving my time to. 
2. Blog More: As you all know, 2018 wasn't too hot for my blog! So one of my goals is to be more consistent in this space and try and create great content for you guys! 
3. Keep up my Workout Routine: Back in October, I began doing FITwithASD workouts! They are addicting, you guys! I love the way Grace changes things up each day! It keeps me excited and looking forward to the gym every day!
4. Making My Friends a Priority: In 2018 I rekindled a few friendships and I am so happy I did! I also grew much closer to some of my best friends! I want to continue making time for my friends in the new year!
5. BE ON TIME: My goodness! I am the worst about being late! This is also something I REALLY need to work on!

Dress // Boots // Hat

Coat  // {Similar} Top // Belt // Boots // Jeans

Jeans // Boots // Shirt // Sweater  

Phone Case // Tee // Cardi // Jeans // Shoes 

Thanks for stopping by!


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